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When will Android 14 come?

Google announced the Android 14 operating system at its annual developer conference held in the United States on May 10. At that time, the company indicated that Android 14 would be released in the last week of August or the beginning of September. So Android users in different parts of the world were waiting for the operating system. But Vidhi Bam, the Android 14 operating system did not appear even in the first week of September.

Google has not made any comment on the release date of the Android 14 operating system even though there is a lot of speculation in the technology world. However, on October 4, the company will launch new phones and technology products of its Pixel brand. And so it is assumed that the Android 14 operating system may also be unveiled at the event along with the Pixel phone.

Android operating system expert Mishal Rahman Khude blog writing website said on Twitter, Google has recently sent a message to Android-based product manufacturers. It is said that the security code for Android 14 will be provided by October 4. Therefore, it is assumed that the new operating system can be opened on October 4.

According to Google, an AI tool called Magic Compose has been added to the Android 14 operating system. Using the tool, users can reply with the help of artificial intelligence in the Messages app on Android. Apart from this, if you write a description of a scene, you will get the opportunity to create a picture. Not only that, in Android 14 third-party apps can also be signed in with a fingerprint instead of a password.

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